Chin Chin gives a statement about incident in soap
It makes me sad to hear about what happened on the set of “Dahil May Isang Ikaw” involving Ms. Lorna Tolentino and Chin Chin Gutierrez. It makes me even sadder to hear about the repercussions of the said incident.
We heard that both actresses got hurt while acting on a confrontation scene, but from the looks of it, it was Ms. LT who got hurt more, emerging from the scene bruised and blue, losing a few strands of hair that got caught in Chin Chin’s ring. Chin Chin, for her part, had a bruised leg to show for the unfortunate “accident.”
Because of this, we have been told that LT, allegedly traumatized from the violent confrontation, is now having second thoughts about wanting to do a scene with Chin Chin again.
What Lorna feels bad about is that some people outside of the issue tend to be so quick to judge, saying that it was just a gimmick that they have concocted to drum up publicity for the top-rating soap opera on ABS-CBN. She was quoted as saying (to this effect), “I’ve been in this business for a long time now. I don’t need this kind of publicity stunt to be controversial. I don’t want this issue to escalate that’s why I refuse to talk about it.”
We spoke with our friend Anjie Ureta, Chin’s manager about this, and she told us that Chin Chin is very very sad about what happened and expresses her heartfelt apology to Ms. LT for the accident.
What pricked our heart is that she was even asking us for suggestions, any idea on how they can make things better for Lorna, an actress that Chin Chin has so much respect for, and how they can show her how bad they truly feel for being hurt in that scene.
She told me, “no one planned for that to happen. But to be sorry for something unintentional is not enough and somehow we know and we understand how Ms. LT must be feeling right now.”
Ms. LT is one of our most favorite superstars in this business because she is a very nice person. We always love being around her during the times we worked together on some publicity projects. On the other hand, Anjie and Chin have been our friends for decades now (especially Anjie) and we know them to be people with good hearts, very spiritual and very peace-loving.
We asked for a copy of Chin Chin’s statement and we’re printing it below in full. We can only pray that this matter will be put to rest and that love with prevail above all else.
November 5, 2009
It is in the spirit of peace, clarity and healing that we are now addressing the unfortunate accident involving our artist, Ms Chin-Chin Gutierrez, and Ms. Lorna Tolentino, which transpired while taping an episode of their television program last week. We reaffirm that the accident was purely unintentional and occurred in the presence of the location heads in-charge of production. She has sincerely apologized to Ms. Tolentino from the moment that she realized the resulting injury after the take and personally assisted her in seeking professionally advised first aid intervention. Recognizing that apologies may not be enough to console her respected colleague, Ms. Gutierrez had indeed sought Ms. Tolentino’s permission to pray together, trusting that the Divine Healer will not only soothe away the physical hurt but also whatever unseen wound in their relationship that may arise from the tense situation.
Ms. Gutierrez wishes to express: “With all humility, I wish to give the best thing I can give now -- to witness to the truth of fraternal love. Keeping peace and being peace are more important than raising my voice to clear my name. The well-being of Ms. Lorna Tolentino is foremost in my mind at the moment, equalled only by my concern for the program. I firmly believe it is Truth in Love that casts out all fear and makes all things new. I remain faithful to the inner goodness in every person shining through, which allows for the restoration of relationships through the graces of faith, forgiveness and prayer for one another.”
We thank everyone who has maintained understanding and sobriety in the face of this unfortunate accident. We share in the deeper aspiration of many voices, heard and unheard, that the matter finds its peaceful and just resolution.
Sincerely yours, Anjie Ureta Artist Manager representing Chin-Chin Gutierrez